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Auth + Data

Auth0 Integration

Sign in with Didit provides secure human authentication while protecting user privacy. Auth0 serves as one of our supported identity platforms, allowing you to integrate Sign in with Didit into your Auth0-powered applications.


  1. An Auth0 account and tenant. Sign up for free (opens in a new tab).
  2. A Didit Business Console (opens in a new tab) account.

Set up Didit

  1. Log in to your Didit Business Console (opens in a new tab).
  2. Navigate to Applications in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Create Application.
  4. Enter a name for your application.
  5. For Redirect URI, enter: https://{YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN}/login/callback, replacing {YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN} with your Auth0 tenant domain.
  6. Click Create.
  7. On the application details page, note the following values - you'll need them to configure the Auth0 connection:
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret

Configure Auth0 Connection

  1. Access the Didit integration (opens in a new tab) in the Auth0 Marketplace.
  2. Select Add Integration to begin the setup process.
  3. Review and accept the required access permissions, then select Continue.
  4. Configure the integration with your Didit credentials:
    • Client ID - From your Didit application
    • Client Secret - From your Didit application
  5. Select the Permissions that align with your application requirements.
  6. Configure user profile synchronization settings:
    • Enable profile sync for automatic updates when users modify their Didit profile data
  7. Select Create to establish the connection.
  8. In the Applications section, enable the connection for your desired Auth0 applications.

Test Connection

You're ready to test this Connection (opens in a new tab).
