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Auth + Data
Sign in API Reference

OIDC Authorize Endpoint

The authorize endpoint is the entry point for the OIDC authentication flow. It initiates the process of authenticating a user and obtaining their consent for sharing information.

  • Base URL: https://apx.didit.me
  • Endpoint: /auth/v2/authorize
  • Method: GET


Query Parameters

  • client_id (required): The identifier of the client application.
  • redirect_uri (required): The URI to redirect the user after authentication.
  • response_type (required): Must be set to "code" for the authorization code flow.
  • scope (required): Space-separated list of requested scopes. Must include "openid".
  • state (recommended): An opaque value used to maintain state between the request and the callback.
  • nonce (optional): String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token.

Example Request

GET /auth/v2/authorize?
    scope=openid profile email&
Host: apx.didit.me


The authorize endpoint doesn't directly return a response. Instead, it initiates the authentication flow:

  1. Generates a unique session URL.
  2. Returns session information to the authorization client.
  3. The authorization client displays a QR code containing the session URL.

QR Code Content

The QR code should contain a URL in the following format:


After QR Code Scan

After the user scans the QR code and confirms the data sharing:

  1. The authorization server updates the session status to "confirmed".
  2. The authorization client polls the /session/{session_id}/status endpoint.
  3. When confirmed, the server generates an authorization code.
  4. The user is redirected to the redirect_uri with the authorization code and state.

Redirect Example


Ensure that the redirect_uri exactly matches one of the registered redirect URIs for your client application. Validate the returned state parameter to prevent CSRF attacks.