How it works
Didit's Advanced IP Analysis offers a sophisticated method to verify and analyze the geographic location of users based on their IP addresses. This feature provides an additional layer of security and verification in the identity verification process.
- IP Capture: The system securely captures the user's IP address during the verification process.
- Geolocation: Our advanced algorithms determine the geographic location associated with the IP address.
- Risk Analysis: The system assesses potential risks based on the IP location and characteristics.
- Cross-Verification: The IP location is compared with other provided user information.
- Result Generation: A detailed analysis report is created, highlighting the IP location and any potential discrepancies or risks.
- Result Handling: You receive and can review the analysis results through our dashboard, webhooks, or API.
Key Features
1. Precise Geolocation
- Accurately pinpoint the user's location based on their IP address
- Provide details such as country, region, city, and approximate coordinates
- Handle both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
2. VPN and Proxy Detection
- Identify if the user is accessing the service through a VPN or proxy
- Flag potential attempts to mask true location
3. Tor Exit Node Detection
- Detect if the user is accessing the service through the Tor network
- Alert to potential high-risk or anonymous access attempts
4. ISP and Organization Identification
- Identify the Internet Service Provider (ISP) associated with the IP address
- Detect if the IP belongs to a known organization or data center
5. Time Zone Analysis
- Determine the time zone associated with the IP address
- Cross-check against the user's provided time zone information
6. Historical IP Data
- Access historical data related to the IP address, if available
- Identify any past suspicious activities associated with the IP
Our Advanced IP Analysis is designed to work in conjunction with other verification methods to provide a comprehensive risk assessment of each user.
Report Structure
The Advanced IP Analysis report returns a JSON object with a root-level location
object containing all verification results.
Core Response Fields
interface IPAnalysisResponse {
location: {
// Device Information
device_brand: string;
device_model: string;
browser_family: string;
os_family: string;
platform: 'mobile' | 'desktop';
// IP Location Data
ip_country: string;
ip_country_code: string;
ip_state: string;
ip_city: string;
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
ip_address: string;
// Network Information
isp: string | null;
organization: string | null;
is_vpn_or_tor: boolean;
is_data_center: boolean;
// Time Zone Data
time_zone: string;
time_zone_offset: string;
// Verification Status
status: 'Approved' | 'Rejected' | 'In Review' | 'Not Finished';
// Location Comparison
document_location: {
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
ip_location: {
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
distance_from_document_to_ip_km: {
distance: number;
direction: string;
Response Fields
Status and Location Fields
: Overall verification status based on IP analysis and location comparisonip_country
: Geographic location hierarchylatitude
: Precise coordinates of the IP locationip_address
: The analyzed IP address
Device Information
: Type of device ('mobile' or 'desktop')os_family
: Operating system of the devicedevice_brand
: Device hardware detailsbrowser_family
: Browser used for verification
Network Analysis
: Indicates use of VPN or Tor networkis_data_center
: Indicates if IP belongs to a data centerisp
: Internet Service Provider informationorganization
: Associated organization, if applicable
Location Comparison
: Coordinates from provided documentsip_location
: Coordinates from IP analysisdistance_from_document_to_ip_km
: Distance and direction between locations
Sample JSON Response
"location": {
"device_brand": "Apple",
"device_model": "iPhone",
"browser_family": "Mobile Safari",
"os_family": "iOS",
"platform": "mobile",
"ip_country": "Spain",
"ip_country_code": "ES",
"ip_state": "Barcelona",
"ip_city": "Barcelona",
"latitude": 41.4022,
"longitude": 2.1407,
"ip_address": "",
"isp": null,
"organization": null,
"is_vpn_or_tor": false,
"is_data_center": false,
"time_zone": "Europe/Madrid",
"time_zone_offset": "+0100",
"status": "Approved",
"document_location": {
"latitude": 4,
"longitude": -72
"ip_location": {
"longitude": 2.1407,
"latitude": 41.4022
"distance_from_document_to_ip_km": {
"distance": 8393.68,
"direction": "NE"
For a complete list of possible properties and their values, please refer to our API Reference.
Security and Privacy Considerations
The IP Analysis report contains sensitive information about the user's location and device. Ensure that you handle this data in compliance with relevant data protection regulations, such as GDPR or CCPA. Implement appropriate access controls and data retention policies for this information.