Generating a Verification PDF Report
To generate a PDF report containing the verification session results, you can call the /v1/session/{sessionId}/generate-pdf/
- Base URL:
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Authentication:
Client Token (Bearer Token)
The Authentication
endpoint has a different Base URL
than the verification
session endpoints. Ensure you are using the correct URLs for each endpoint to
avoid connectivity issues.
To generate a verification PDF report programmatically, follow these steps:
To obtain the access_token
, refer to the Authentication documentation page.
The access_token
is valid for a limited time (x minutes), so you do not need
to authenticate for every request until the token expires.
Select Desired Parameters
: Unique identifier for the session.
Generate PDF Report
Use the following request format to generate the PDF report:
GET /v1/session/{session_id}/generate-pdf/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Returns a PDF file containing detailed information about the verification session. The response includes appropriate headers for file download.
- Content-Type:
- Content-Disposition:
attachment; filename=session_{session_id}.pdf
Code Example
const generateSessionPDF = async (sessionId) => {
const endpoint = `${BASE_URL}/v1/session/${sessionId}/generate-pdf/`;
const token = await getClientToken();
if (!token) {
console.error('Error fetching client token');
} else {
const headers = {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token.access_token}`,
try {
const response = await fetch(endpoint, {
method: 'GET',
if (response.ok) {
// Convert the response to a blob
const blob = await response.blob();
// Create a download link
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url; = `session_${sessionId}.pdf`; // or use the filename from Content-Disposition
// Cleanup
return true;
} else {
const errorData = await response.json();
console.error('Error generating PDF:', errorData.message);
throw new Error(errorData.message);
} catch (err) {
console.error('Network error:', err);
throw err;
The code example above shows how to handle the PDF file in a browser environment. For server-side implementations, you'll need to adjust the file handling logic according to your backend framework.
Server-side Example (Node.js)
const fs = require('fs');
const generateSessionPDF = async (sessionId) => {
const endpoint = `${BASE_URL}/v1/session/${sessionId}/generate-pdf/`;
const token = await getClientToken();
if (!token) {
console.error('Error fetching client token');
} else {
const headers = {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token.access_token}`,
try {
const response = await fetch(endpoint, {
method: 'GET',
if (response.ok) {
// Get the array buffer of the PDF
const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
// Save the PDF to a file
const fileName = `session_${sessionId}.pdf`;
fs.writeFileSync(fileName, Buffer.from(arrayBuffer));
return fileName;
} else {
const errorData = await response.json();
console.error('Error generating PDF:', errorData.message);
throw new Error(errorData.message);
} catch (err) {
console.error('Network error:', err);
throw err;